Perhaps you are single and don’t have any dependents. Why do you need life insurance? This type of financial tool is meant to help leave behind funds to help dependents and others to maintain their quality of life should something happen to you. But, for those who do not have dependents, this type of insurance may not seem worthwhile. Nevertheless, there are a few key reasons why you should consider investing in life insurance even if you are single.
Buy Now for Later 
One of the reasons to invest now in a life insurance policy, even if you are younger and just starting your career, is because it is less expensive and easier to obtain now than it may be later. By purchasing your policy now and maintaining it for years to come, you can save yourself a substantial amount of money. This way, if you do have children or get married in the future, the plan is there to meet their needs.
Cover Your Obligations
If you die with debt, your assets can be sold to cover the value of those debts. In some situations, others may be held responsible for repaying the debt you owe. For example, if you have a co-signer on a loan, that individual may be required under law to pay for the debt you’ve left behind even if your assets are sold (when their value isn’t enough to cover the loan).
You Want to Support Others
Just because you are single doesn’t mean you don’t have others you care about and want to help. You may want to leave funds behind for a family member. On the other hand, you may have a special charity or organization you wish to support. You can do this by leaving that organization as the beneficiary on your life insurance policy.
If you do have dependents, they should likely need the funds left behind from a life insurance plan. However, for those without these individuals, there are still needs to consider. Pay for your funeral arrangements so others do not. Use the funds to create and leave a legacy for a cause that matters to you. This type of insurance gives you the freedom to decide how and where it is used.
We’ll help you find the right policy. Contact us today for more information on life insurance.